Thursday, January 26, 2012

the possibilities are endless

“There is no living thing that isn’t inherently equipped with the skills and abilities it needs to secure it continued existence. … no lion or giraffe has ever had to go to trade school to learn what it needs to know to survive.” - Kimberly Seals-Allers 
I think too often we get caught up in doing what we are told to do, in following everyone else’s plan for success, and we forget that we have so much inside our selves.  Yesterday was turning point kind of day for me and I’ve decided to truly stop "measuring out my life in coffee spoons.”

And so for the great reveal.   I’ve decided to think seriously about selling my jellies and jams to people outside of my group of friends.  Can you feel my hands trembling thought the keyboard?

It’s one thing to imagine living out my dream of entrepreneurship in the shower and during my commute to and from my day jobS, while I weigh my purchases based on the predictable, bi-monthly paychecks.  And yet, I have always prided myself on the promise that I would stop teaching when the passion ceased to outweigh the drain.  That time has come.

I’ve dreamed of owning my own shop and being self-sufficient since I was a high school student myself.  I thrived on my Commercial Design and entrepreneurship classes, I was inspired by colors, words, tastes, and movement.  Today, a week before I turn 32, I am still dreaming and still inspired in these things.

In the next days and weeks, I will be making a concerted effort to move my life in the directions of my dreams.  I am learning, researching, connecting and praying.  I will be paring down on the unnecessary luxuries and exploring new possibilities.  And.  Through this blog, I will be taking you along for the ride. Buckle up!

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